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Install Debian 6 "Squeeze" from a Linux LiveCD

WARNING: This script will WIPE your Xbox 360 internal harddisk (/dev/sda) and install Debian 6

If you have XeXmenu or another dashboard homebrew on that drive, you will loose it all: Follow these instructions only if you understand what you are doing. will create two partitions. 1 GB swap on sda1 and the rest of the disk as a root-filesystem on sda2. Run the script as root from the a Linux LiveCD. You will need a DHCP-server on your network for this script.

How do I run it?

Click "Application > Accessories > Terminal" and type the following commands:

sudo su
sh ./

Reboot the 360 when you are told. Boot with, supply correct "root=" parameter via kboot.conf (*kboot currently only supported via xell-reloaded-testing builds), boot the kernel/system and login as user: xbox, password: xbox. Have fun :) (If you are not having fun, let us know about the errors you are experiencing.)

debootstrapping script

 # set the date to anything except 1/1/1970 since this causes issues
 # time is now also set after first boot by .bashrc script below
 date -s 1/1/2009
 # if /dev/sda is mounted then paritions get wiped by dd but sfdisk fails!
 swapoff /dev/sda1
 umount /mnt/debian
 # partition and mkfs hdd (all data is lost!)
 dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda bs=512 count=1
 sfdisk /dev/sda << EOF
 dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda2 bs=512 count=1
 mkfs.ext3 /dev/sda2
 mkswap /dev/sda1
 sync; sync; sync
 swapon /dev/sda1
 # setup paths
 mkdir /mnt/debian
 mount /dev/sda2 /mnt/debian
 cd /mnt/debian
 mkdir /mnt/debian/work
 cd /mnt/debian/work
 # download extract and run debootstrap
 ar -xf debootstrap_1.0.38_all.deb
 cd /mnt/debian
 zcat < /mnt/debian/work/data.tar.gz | tar xv
 export DEBOOTSTRAP_DIR=/mnt/debian/usr/share/debootstrap
 export PATH=$PATH:/mnt/debian/usr/sbin
 debootstrap --arch powerpc squeeze /mnt/debian
 # create needed files on hdd
 echo Xenon > /mnt/debian/etc/hostname
 cat > /mnt/debian/etc/fstab << EOF
 /dev/sda2     /          ext3     defaults   0   0
 /dev/sda1     none    swap    sw           0   0
 proc            /proc    proc    defaults  0   0
 cat > /mnt/debian/etc/network/interfaces << EOF
 iface lo inet loopback
 auto lo
 auto eth0
 iface eth0 inet dhcp
 cat > /mnt/debian/etc/apt/sources.list << EOF
 deb squeeze main contrib non-free
 #Change root-pwd to "xbox" inside chroot
 chroot /mnt/debian echo "root:xbox" | chroot /mnt/debian /usr/sbin/chpasswd
 # Add user: xbox with password: xbox
 chroot /mnt/debian /usr/sbin/useradd -m -d /home/xbox -p paRRy2CC47LXY xbox
 # create .second_stage script on hdd
 cat >> /mnt/debian/root/.second_stage << EOF
 date -s 1/1/2009
 apt-get update
 apt-get install ntp wget openssh-server locales -y --force-yes
 dpkg-reconfigure locales
 apt-get install gnome -y
 echo "AVAHI_DAEMON_START=0" > /etc/default/avahi-daemon
 /etc/init.d/networking restart
 cd /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/
 wget -O
 cd /etc/X11/
 rm -r -f /work/
 echo "Installation completed."
 echo "To boot the system: Reboot and load the kernel with correct root= params."
 echo "You should be greeted by a fresh install of Debian 6 Squeeze"
 chmod a+x /mnt/debian/root/.second_stage
 # Execute second part of installation in the chroot environment
 mount -t proc none /mnt/debian/proc
 mount --rbind /dev /mnt/debian/dev
 cp -L /etc/resolv.conf /mnt/debian/etc/resolv.conf
 chroot /mnt/debian /root/.second_stage
 umount /mnt/debian/dev /mnt/debian/proc /mnt/debian

Fix possible xorg fail

After it has finished installing and has rebooted into gnome open a new shell by typing Ctrl+Alt+F6 or Ctrl+Alt+F1 and type,

 sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg

Then follow the instructions below.

1. Attempt to autodetect video hardware? > No

2. X Server Driver: Xenosfb

3. Generic Video Card > Enter

4. Video card’s bus identifier: Press enter for default

5. Amount of memory: Press enter for default

6. Use kernel framebuffer device interface? > Yes

7. Autodetect keyboard layout? > Yes

8. Keyboard layout: us

9. XKB rule set to use: xorg

10. Keyboard model: choose your rule set based on the options

11. Keyboard variant: leave blank if you’re in the U.S.

12. Keyboard options: Leave as default

13. Mouse Protocol: ImPS/2

14. Emulate a 3 button mouse? > Your choice

15. Xorg server modules: Default

16. Write default Files section to configuration file? > Yes

17. Attempt monitor detection? > Yes

18. Use generic monitor if it doesn’t detect it.

19. Video modes to be used by the X server: 1280x768 (1024x768 if garbled)

20. Method for selecting the monitor characteristics: Medium

21. Monitors best video mode: Choose what’s best for your monitor.

22. Write monitor sync ranges to the configuration file? > Yes

23. Desired default color depth in bits: 24.

After that go back to gnome by typing Ctrl+Alt+F7.

Reboot X by typing Ctrl+Alt+Backspace.